Philo version 0.9.1 release notes
The primary focus of the 0.9.1 release has been streamlining and optimization. Requests in 0.9.1 are served two to three times faster than in 0.9. A number of bugs in code, documentation, and migrations have also been corrected.
New Features and backwards-incompatible changes
- FeedView and related syndication code has been migrated to philo.contrib.winer so it can be used independently of philo.contrib.penfield.
- FeedView has been refactored; the result of FeedView.get_object() is now passed into FeedView.get_items() to allow for more flexibility and for FeedViews which do not have a ForeignKey relationship to the items that the feed is for.
- BlogView has been refactored to take advantage of the more flexible get_object() method. Many of its former entry-fetching methods have been removed.
- EmbedWidget is now used for text fields on, for example, BlogEntry. The widget allows javascript-based generation of embed tags for model instances, using the same popup interface as raw id fields.
- philo.models.Tag has been removed in favor of an optional requirement for django-taggit. This will allow philo to remain more focused. Migrations are provided for philo.contrib.penfield which losslessly convert philo Tags to django-taggit Tags.