Sent whenever an Entity subclass has been “prepared” – that is, after the processing necessary to make AttributeProxyFields work has been completed. This will fire after django.db.models.signals.class_prepared.
Arguments that are sent with this signal:
Sent when a View instance is about to render. This allows you, for example, to modify the extra_context dictionary used in rendering.
Arguments that are sent with this signal:
Sent when a view instance has finished rendering.
Arguments that are sent with this signal:
Sent when a Page instance is about to render as a string. If the Page is rendering as a response, this signal is sent after view_about_to_render and serves a similar function. However, there are situations where a Page may be rendered as a string without being rendered as a response afterwards.
Arguments that are sent with this signal:
Sent when a Page instance has just finished rendering as a string. If the Page is rendering as a response, this signal is sent before view_finished_rendering and serves a similar function. However, there are situations where a Page may be rendered as a string without being rendered as a response afterwards.
Arguments that are sent with this signal: